A sale like no other...
Now if you are interested in winning some of their amazing goodies you have one more day to enter their November extended through December contest. All you have to do is make a TOP FIVE list. We all have things to be thankful for and documenting them is very important. Your list should consist of the top five qualities of someone you admire (or appreciate). You can incorporate this into a layout or mini album. As always, you must include at least one piece of chipboard on your project. All you need to do is upload it to the gallery at Magistical Memories!
Good luck!!!
And don't forget to stop by Mix It Up to see what the DT has been up to with our "just for fun" December challenge!!!
A final farewell...
So now to my projects. I created 3 LO's, but I have only had a chance to photograph 2 of them. I will share the 3rd ASAP. I also created a mini album that I gave to my DH as his Christmas gift.
These are all created using the totally fun Teresa Collins Crush line! I absolutely loved working with it and I think I have definitely become a huge fan of her products!

this is going to be a long one
I have another exciting scrappy related toot to share! I have been invited to be a part of a new challenge blog called Mix It Up! Melanie Blackburn is the owner and she has put together a stellar group of talent! Each week we will showcase our interpretation of different challenges better known as "Mixers" and as a bonus our sketch designer Day will provide you with an inspiring sketch to help kick start your creativity. We currently have a just for fun challenge going on until January which is when we will be getting into the full swing of things! A surprise is in store for all who play along in January and will be sharing this information soon! In the mean time, come check us out and I really hope you find some great inspiration and are able to play along!!!
Now on to what has kept me busy!
I made my grandma's sugar cookies and my cranberry caramel date bars (see the post below). For the sugar cookies I decided to try just using a powdered sugar icing because I didn't have any meringue powder. Bad mistake and lots of frustration. I learned a good lesson...always go with the meringue powder recipe. It holds it shape better and gives it the look I like. I also learned not to use off brand powdered sugar. It's really not the same! Thanks Mom for saving the day and helping me get them all iced!

Christmas Eve I worked, but DH and I went to Midnight Mass. The Bishop was here and so therefore we had all the bells and smells to go with it! It was so beautiful and really helped me focus on what this season is all about! It seems to me that every year I don't really get into the Christmas spirit until Christmas day. It's all so busy and crazy beforehand, but once Christmas day arrives I feel like I can finally sit down and focus on the true meaning of Christmas!
Christmas day DH and I slept in finally waking up at 9 AM! We woke to glorious sunshine! And it stayed gorgeous all day long! We exchanged our gifts. I gave DH his mini album which he loved and I got the Daisy XL Paper Shaper punch by EK Success! Love it!!! (Today we are going to get the rest of our gift...a new dishwasher!!!!) Danny then went to ride Woody for a bit and I got ready to go over to my Mom's for lunch and to exchange gifts. I arrived just after my sister and her family. To my niece's surprise Santa left a bag on my Mom's front porch full of toys for them. Santa used to do this for my Mom when she was a child and she thought it would be a good tradition to start up again for them. It was a huge hit! It was a wonderful day of visiting and spending time with family including Todd and Connie. Mom out did herself with a wonderful meal for dinner consisting of a scrumptious seafood casserole, homemade rolls, her wonderfully yummy salad and brocolli. Dessert consisted of a chocolate birthday cake for Jesus and cheesecake!

Merry Christmas to all of you!
And may the peace and joy of Christmas be with you and your family throughout this holiday season!
The winner is....
Leigh said...
That's a great card-- I love it! (I think you are a cardmaker! ;) )
Congratulations on the publication-- it's always very exciting!
I put my decorations up too this week-- but not as many as past years. Not sure why, just didn't want the extra clutter.
Can't wait to see some pictures of yours.
December 11, 2008 8:32 PM
Send me your address girl & a little surprise is headed your way!!!Thank you all for visiting! I actually had nearly 50 visitors to my blog on Thursday which is quite exciting!!! I hope you all keep coming to check me out. And if you ever have any questions or suggestions please feel free to let me know!
Christmas traditions, Friends and Sharing

Cranberry & Caramel Date Bars
Makes 24 bars.
1-1 1/2 cups fresh cranberries
1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp sugar
2 + 1/3 cup flour
2 cups oats
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup margarine, melted
1 1/2 cups dates, chopped
3/4 cup walnuts, toasted
1 cup (1 jar) caramel ice cream topping (fat free is fine)
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Combine cranberries and 2 Tbsp sugar; set aside. In bowl combine 2 cups flour, oats, sugar, brown sugar and baking soda. Add margarine and mix well. Reserve 1 cup of this mixture. Press remainder firmly on the bottom of a 13 x 9 pan. Bake 15 minutes until slightly golden.
Sprinkle dates, walnuts and cranberry mixture over the crust. Mix caramel topping with 1/3 cup flour. Spread over the top. Top with reserved crumb mixture. Bake 20 minutes or until light brown.
Cool and then cut into bars.
I also finally have the house decorated the way I want it to look for Christmas. This is my first year decorating this house and thank goodness most of what I already had seemed to fit in with our new house. I just bought a few things to give it a new look and I must say I really like it! I will be trying to get some photos posted up soon.
Now on to some other news:Friends...
I have a couple of friends I especially want to say thank you too!!!
Carrie...you are just so sweet & I am so very glad we met each other! Thank you so much for my goodies that arrived in the mail today!!! You are the best!!!

I wanted to share my first pub in Paper Crafts magazine. I get so excited seeing my creations in print! It might be silly, but it makes me happy!!! They returned my creation to me along with 2 copies of the Jan/Feb 2009 issue! There are some fabulous card ideas in there. I am still shocked that I had a card pubbed by them. I am so not a card maker! LOL!!!

Leave me some love and I'll send one of you a copy of the Paper Crafts Jan/Feb issue!!!
A horse is a horse! Of course! Of course!

Today my DH went to pick up a horse to try him out for a couple weeks in order to determine if we (which is really he) want to buy him. We went to see the horse a couple of weeks ago and decided at that time that he was worth trying out and so now we have him and are going to see how he does.
His name is Woody and he is a registered paint quarter horse. Not sure about all the details there but believe me DH knows it all!!! I know DH is so very excited about this opportunity. He has always wanted his own horse and now we have the opportunity to get one. I know it sounds a bit crazy to be getting a horse right now. Money is tight. But DH came up with the wonderful idea to switch hobbies. He used to play the bagpipes. He was really good and traveled all over playing them. He hasn't played in over 8 years. All his stuff for playing has just been sitting around collecting dust. So he came up with the idea of selling it all on Ebay. And it worked! He has officially made enough money to buy the horse and have enough to maintain and care for it for at least a year! Such a clever plan!!! I am so happy that he will finally have a hobby he can enjoy just as much as I do my scrapbooking. He has always been my biggest fan, and now I will be his cowgirl!!!!
I have been selected to be a DT member for Magistical Memories!!!!
I love their products & I am just so excited! And I just have to share this cute story. My DH knew it was going to be announced today. When I got online and saw that it had been posted I told him it was posted. He told me to wait so he could see who made it. I clicked to open the post without looking & the next thing I know he is jumping up & down screaming "You made it!". Then I started jumping up & down!!! I am so lucky in so many ways!!!
Magistical Memories
2009 Design Team Members
- Kristi Bergin-Smith
- Hilde Stolk
- Lisa Dorsey
- Beth Root
- Rita Shimniok
- Amy Teets
- Selena Kimsey
- Juliana Michaels
- Jacqueline Walker
- Amy Coose
Congrats to all you talented ladies!!! This is going to be one fabulous team to work with!!!
Change is in the air!
I hope some of you are going to be able to play along at Got Sketch with their mini. It is going to be a fun filled week of great inspiration. They shared their first challenge (prizes are included!!!)today...I just checked it out and it looks so fun! I can't wait to play along!!!
A toot to share...
I just got an email from Layle at Scenic Route and they selected a Christmas ornament I created as a winner for their November Product Challenge! I am so thrilled!!!
I just love this little guy! It is one of those wooden ornaments that when you pull the string the arms and legs move!

- Paint each section of the wooden ornament a color corresponding to the color of the patterned paper you plan to use to cover each piece.
- Use a permanent marker and trace each section onto a transparency.
- Cut out the pattern and trace it onto the patterned paper you selected and cut out each section. Use adhesive to adhere the piece to its correct location on the ornament.
- I distressed and inked the edge of the trim pieces and inked the edges of all of the other pieces before I glued them in place.
- Mix molding paste with white acrylic pain and swirled in the beard to give it some dimension and texture.

- Patterned paper
- Adhesive (I used Scrappy Glue)
- 1 Pom Pom
- Brown Ink
- Various Acrylic paint colors
- Molding Paste
- 3 small buttons
- 2 small black adhesive pearls (eyes)
Things to check out...

Since this is the season for giving, we thought we'd give you our early Christmas present!
It's our way of saying thank you.
And yes, it is totally FREE!!
So, go ahead and share the news with your fellow sketch fan friends. The more, the merrier!
To those of you who have been curious but have yet to take one of our workshops, this is your chance to participate & get a glimpse of what our classes are about. It's a sampling of our Got Sketch workshop -- minimized into a 7-day program. We know you will enjoy it!
Here's what you can expect:
- TWO top-notch 12x12 sketches from Valerie Salmon & Janna Wilson
- The sketches will include a sample layout, supply list, instructions, and project notes which are delivered in high-quality printable pdf files
- 1 Sketch Challenge on Day 1
- 1 Tip & Trick Sheet
- An interactive community
- Inspirational gallery from your classmates
- A Live Chat session with Valerie, Janna, & community members
- Prize Giveaways
- A self-paced class: No deadlines, No homework, No tests
Register ahead of time to join to be assured that your entry will be approved by Wednesday, 12/3.
Click here to join!
(Membership is required.)
TWO. Magistical Memories is having a HUGE sale!!! Check it out here!

tag you're it!
i was tagged once by Amy...i failed miserably & didn't follow through. i am soooo sorry!
i am not good at following through with these kinds of things
i have warned you!
but i am going to give this one a go
7 random things about me:
1. i was valedictorian of my high school class
2. i hit the snooze at least 3 times each morning before i can get myself out of bed
3. i find it so relaxing to ride in a boat as it cruises along KY lake
4. i have a love-hate relationship with vintage collagey things
5. i am named after my great-great grandmother
6. i am scared to death of deep water especially if i can't see the bottom. swimming pools are OK!!!
7. i am addicted to Dr. Pepper & if vanilla is added to it...step back!!!
now you know a few random tidbits about me!
since i am not good a following through i am only going to tag a few people...
1. Rachel - you are the bestest and what are best friends for right?!?! love you girlie!!!
2. Raechelle - so fun & so creative!
3. Melanie - she just asked me a cool question & i have to admit i have been secretly following her blog!!!
4. Layle - one of my scrappy idols! i hope you'll play along!
5. Staci - so sweet & creative!
thankful for many things
we had a wonderful day celebrating and spending time with my family yesterday.
i had each of my family members write down some things they are thankful for on a piece of cardstock. i also took a photo of each person. i have a little project in mind that i will of course share when it is completed.
i want to share some things that i am thankful for:
my husband
God's love & mercy
my family
our health
my job
our home
that my husband's business is growing
my creativity
my friends
and of course Dr. Pepper!
lately i have been having a tough time spending a lot of time on the computer. i am waaaaayyyy behind reading my fave blogs. i love all the inspiration i get from reading them. i am trying to catch up this morning, but i fear it will take too long to really read them all. i also feel like i have so many scrappy projects (ones i am doing for myself or as gifts for Christmas) & not enough time to do them all! i have piles of things that i am going to use for this project or that project all over my scrappy room. i hope to get a few finished today! and of course i will share some of them!
i have one scrappy thing to share. my final kit project for CMK using the November kit. i can't tell you enough how much i loved this kit!!! i was only able to get the album cover completed for this family tree mini. the inside pages are started but there are no photos. i am going to be including some copies of some old photos from my mothers side of the family back to my great-great grandparents. the photos need a lot of photoshopping & i just haven't had the time to sit down & do it yet. i hope to soon. maybe i can talk my DH into helping me!!!TFL!

making my memories magical...
here are my projects for Chipboard Artist Round 2 at Magistical Memories...
and please feel free to check out the other girls work! there are some fantastic projects and tons of inspiration!!!
1. for my first project i used white oak leaf.
i painted each leaf a color close to the color of glitter i wanted to use.
i made a mixture of clear embossing powder and glitter for each of the leaves using the color of glitter that matched the paint on each leaf.
once the paint was dry i inked the leaf with versamark ink and then sprinkled the corresponding glitter mixture on it and heat embossed it.
i also pulled out an oldie but goodie...my paper crimper and crimped the green strip on the left hand side.
the frame is made from distressed cardboard.

on this one i used shining so brightly star.
i wanted the star to look like it was covered with snow. i didn't have any of that "fake" snow stuff so i made my own!
i painted the star white. once dry i applied glue all over the surface and then covered it with ultra thick embossing powder. i had to let it dry overnight. once dry i painted it white and there you go...a snow covered star!
i made the crepe paper medallion by just running some thread along one edge and pulling it tight to form a circle.

on this one i used potty people and mini film strip border.
i left these naked with the exception of doodling around the edge of the potty people with a white gel pen. i felt they matched the LO better this way!

i made this one using flutterby.
the top and bottom butterflies are covered with tulle! i used the same technique on the middle butterfly as i used on the white oak leaves above.
for the top and bottom butterfly i painted each piece the pink of my choice.
once dry i applied versamark and clear embossing powder and heat embossed it.
while it was still melty i placed/pushed the tulle into the embossing powder.
it stuck & gave a wonderful texture to them.
i cut off the excess tulle leaving a small border around each butterfly.
2 words of caution...the embossing powder gets hot so be careful you don't burn your finger & the tulle "melts" very easily if you hit it with the heat gun.

pumpkin cupcakes
and these cupcakes are sooooo yummy! if you love pumpkin, i highly recommend giving these a try! and yes, they are topped with cream cheese icing!!!

here's the recipe if you are interested:
Pumpkin Cupcakes
makes 24
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup unsalted butter, melted & cooled
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 can pumpkin puree (15 ounces)
2. In a large bowl, whisk together, brown sugar, granulated sugar, butter & eggs. Add dry ingredients, and whisk until smooth. Whisk in pumpkin puree.
3. Divide batter evenly among liners, filling each about halfway. Bake until tops spring back when touched, & a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean, 20 to 25 minutes, rotating pans once if needed. Transfer to a wire rack; let cool completely.
happy baking or scrapping!!!
i love chipboard!!!!
i made it to round 2 of the Magistical Memories DT call!
i am super excited! i recieved my goodies in the mail yesterday & i can't wait to share what i am creating! this is going to be so much fun & such an amazing opportunity!
thank you Magistical Memories!!!
they are having some really fun give aways too! make sure you enter for your chance at some of their products!
i voted today...my thoughts on this day in history

for the first time since i turned 18 & was able to vote, i actually really cared about voting. i studied who i wanted to vote for & made my own educated decision. i did not base my decision on what family or friends thought, but on my own thoughts. i made my own choice.
i voted today.
i have never had a candidate move me to think, to want to be a part of this process, to want change, to believe it is possible, to dream about a better future for our country & our children. i feel free.
i voted today.
i woke up early to vote. i woke up nervous about this day. i woke up thinking about the history that is being made today. i waited in line before the polls opened. i cast my ballot. i made my choice.
i voted today.
i felt free to do my own thing. i feel free to believe in the future. i feel free for the first time.
expect i can not share my feelings with everyone. too many disagree with me. i don't like to argue with people whose minds are closed. i feel free.
i made my choice.
i voted today.
did you?

inspiration to share
my challenge is for you to incorporate tulle, mesh, or plastic canvas onto either a layout or card. don't be scared! just have fun & let your creativity take you where ever you want to go. i went all out with the tulle and made a fun ruffle border around the central part of my layout. please feel free to share your creations with me! i would love to see them!

you can check it out here. unfortunately it has sold out so hopefully you already have one coming to you!!! i was inspired by the amazingly talented Irene Tan to create the punched hole border on the photo. you can check more out about here at her blog. the photo frame is made from cardboard (the actual package the kit was shipped in!)
