- Fabulous classes being taught by our amazing Creative Team along with classes by Prima and IOD!
- Chats with My Minds Eye and ScrapHD!
- Fun games, challenges and fast scraps are scheduled throughout the weekend, with tons of chances to win ACOT points, gift certificates and prize packs!
- Amazing giveaways, with our grand prize being a Cricut Gypsy!
- And, $1,000 worth of prizes will be given away from some of the top scrapbooking manufacturers!
Yours truly will be teaching a class on Saturday at 9:00 AM EST (8:00 AM CST) on how to make a gorgeous handmade flower! Here is a little sneaky...
I hope you all come by and join in all the fun!
Happy Hugs!
I'm very excited! I would never miss an ACOT crop!!!